Toby Digrugillier's Insights

Friday, May 9, 2008

Trust In The LORD - by Toby Digrugilliers

I remember when our daughter Karin was but a toddler. We lived in Tucson Arizona at an apartment complex that had a swimming pool. "Come on Karin. Jump to Daddy, I will catch you." I remember all too well her trusting jump into the pool toward her Daddy. Unquestioning! She did not run up to the edge and stop, no she ran to the edge and just keep on a coming!

Psalm 37:3 simply states, "Trust in the LORD, and do good: so thou shalt dwell in the land, and verily thou shalt be fed."

Webster defines "trust" as, 1) reliance on the integrity, strength, ability, surety, etc., of another person or thing; confidence. 2) confident expectation of something; hope.

Reliance and hope. I like that. To rely on the LORD and have hope knowing that HE is in control of all things and has our best interest at heart.

But the Scripture has another thing to say along with trusting in the Lord. We are told to "do good" and in the doing of good we shall be fed.

Now it is intimated that "doing good" carries with it the idea of working. The old saying, "If you don't work you don't eat" could have very well had its roots in this passage. But on a larger scale; what about a nation that fails to do good? It's difficult to believe that in a time that appears to be a time of plenty we are in danger of some of the greatest food shortages that America has ever been faced with. Gas prices are through the roof and soaring higher and the end result is that we are paying more at the store.

Just a thought, but could we be facing this as a result of not doing good Nationally? America is more concerned with ensuring that the rights of the wicked are protected to the exclusion of what the Word of God teaches and I believe we are about to see the Hand of judgment more than His heart of mercy!

Nationally and individually, America had fled from doing good: That which is right in the sight of God and fleeing to the pleasures of wickedness and then have the audacity to wonder why are things falling apart!

I remember several years ago many were preaching from II Chronicles 7:14, "If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways..." A wonderful call to National repentance, however, those who cried out using this verse stopped short, for in verse 19 we see the infamous "But" being used. I challenge you to read II Chronicles 7:14 through 22 and see in context God's perspective.

Yes, my friend, we must trust in the Lord, but let's not forget to also do good! I challenge you this day to do all the Word of God says, trust AND do good.

Next week we'll see how we can delight ourselves in the Lord as a result of following today's text. Remember the pool? Don't just run to the edge of "just trusting" but keep on moving in the jumping and "doing!" Till then, may God bless and keep you as you both trust and do.

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