Toby Digrugillier's Insights

Friday, May 16, 2008

Delight Thyself Also in the LORD - Toby Digrugilliers

In today's world when one usually says, "I'm so delighted to... meet you" or, "be here" it's usually an indication of what makes one happy or pleased. The focus of delight is on "self."

Our text today is from Psalm 37 and verse 4, "Delight thyself also in the LORD; and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart." That word, "also" indicates a continuation of the preceding points of things already expressed. The preceding points are: Fret not; be not envious; and trust in the LORD. For it is when we truly stop worrying, cease from envy and trust in Him that we may begin to understand what it means to delight ourselves in Him!

The Apostle Paul frequently used marriage to express what our relationship to Christ is to be, and here I can do no less, however; in this day where society, in general, is tearing down the family it may be difficult for some to comprehend the importance of the illustration.

There was a day when "family" meant something and was the fulcrum upon which all society was raised (no pun intended). In these days of same sex everything that "fulcrum" has been distorted and the lever upon which it was moved, bent! My point is that when a man and woman "fell" in love their focus was on doing the things that made the other happy. It was a "delight" to one to see that their actions caused the express happiness of the object of their desire. This is the sense in which the Psalmist was communicating: When we are at the point in our walk with the LORD that all we accomplish has as it focus, doing the things that please Him. When we do this, then we "delight ourselves in the LORD."

Doing that which is right in His sight brings us to verse 5, "Commit thy way..." This we shall discuss next week. Till then, Delight thyself in the LORD!

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