Toby Digrugillier's Insights

Friday, April 11, 2008

Great Peace - Toby Digrugilliers

In Psalm 119:165 we read, "Great peace have they which love thy law: and nothing shall offend them." Ever have to ask yourself what part of "nothing" don't we understand? I know I do. Like many, I find it's a daily battle not to be offended. Someone said something or did something that just didn't set right. "I can't believe you said that!" or, "Did you see what that guy did? He cut me off!" A myriad of things that we find ourselves offended by, however, the Scripture still rings true, "Great peace..."

The book of Psalms is a wonderful read and it's in its own pages that we find the recipe for rational living in an irrational world plus instruction for living resolutely in a manner that pleases our Lord.

In Psalm 119:165 we're instructed not to be offended and in Psalm 37 verses 1-8 we find the recipe on just how to do it. It's a quick read and may I encourage you to read it for yourself. I will, however, give you the main ingredients. 1) Fret not, 2)Trust in the Lord, 3) Delight thyself also in the Lord, 4) Commit thy way unto the Lord, 5) Rest in the Lord and 6) Cease from anger.

Over the next few weeks we will look at each ingredient individually and "smell the baking of the cake" so to speak as we anticipate the final result. Till then, may the Lord bless and keep you in all areas of life.

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